
By Credit Card:
Please click on the PayPal button below to pay with a credit card or with your PayPal account.

Bay Area Gestalt Institute is a non-profit (501c3) organization that depends upon generous contributions to support our education program, development, and supplement some of our low-fee services. 

Please consider donating to us.

Your donation, of any amount, is greatly appreciated and is fully tax deductible (Tax ID 94-6187640).


You can donate in two ways:

By check:
Please pay to the order of BAGI. A check can be mailed to:

Bay Area Gestalt Institute
1829 Market Street, Suite 201
San Francisco, CA 94103

Amazon Smile Program

You shop! Amazon gives. Make your regular Amazon purchases through the link below and the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate .5% of every dollar you spend on eligible items back to Bay Area Gestalt Institute! 

Click the link to start shopping and start giving!